Hope in Jordan

Hope and the Greek myth

The Greek word translated by “hope” is Elpis, which is actually the Greek goddess’s name. In classical Greek literature, Elbis can be used as an expectation of the future either in a positive or negative manner, contrary to our usual understanding when we use the term “hope” in English or Arabic to “expect something positive.”

The legend begins that Prometheus, the god of fire and divine con man, stole fire from heaven and gave it to humans. Zeus’s rage, intense anger, and resolve determined to nullify this grace. Accordingly, Hephaestus, the god of craftsmen, was tasked with creating a female human creature from the earth (Pandora) which means “all gifts”. Prometheus expressed his desire to marry Pandora, ignoring his brother Epimetheus’s warning. The gods presented Pandora with the best and various gifts and kept their gifts in a jar. Zeus described the gifts containing all sorts of misery, evil, and deception as “a scourge they will all be happy embracing their misfortunes.”

Pandora opened the jar, and a series of torments and misery were released into the Earth’s world, epidemics and diseases, silently attacked humanity and brought humans out of an idyllic past into an uncertain and tortured future where life is short and desperate. In any case, hope is the only gift that has not escaped from the jar. Hope was caught in the brink of the jar and she was caught and did not escape before the cover was replaced. It is unclear whether the presence of hope in the jar means that it is also evil, or whether the fact that it remains behind it suggests that it was supposed to be valid, and a consolation for the accompanying evils.

Hope almost reveals itself alongside the other contents of the jar, but it ultimately remains hidden under the edge of the lid. That in order to discover what is hidden, we must hope. But how is this possible? How can we hope to understand nature’s work, which loves hiding, and post-death mysteries, which are unexpected and unthinkable? We only hope that it seems rational or understandable, because “the hopes of the right-minded men can be realized, but the hopes of the unintelligent are impossible.” In the legend of Pandora, all gods and humans have dysfunctional relationships and do not form differences.

Hope in Jordan

A recent truck drivers’ strike has emerged in Jordan, especially in the southern regions of the country, and a minister, is said to be of heavy caliber (Personally, I don’t know what a high-caliber minister means, that means having light-caliber ministers, just like heavy and light oil) tried to persuade drivers to disassemble the strike, but they refused and the price of oil derivatives must first be lowered, and he said: “The blood comes down and the price of diesel does not come down.”

This Minister restored drivers’ hope to the Pandora jar and locked it with a lead cap. The first martyr’s blood came down. On another Day, the three Musketeers appeared on Jordanian television, confirmed the Minister’s words, and closed the jar covered with red wax. The blood of the martyrs continued.

The critical question is the price of oil derivatives more important than the price of martyrs’ souls?! How do you want the fathers of these people to raise a generation that is accepted in love with the dirt of the homeland when the price of their son’s soul is equivalent, or less, to the price of a diesel tank?!

Plato says: “One must do his best to share the virtue and wisdom of one’s life, because the reward is beautiful and the hope is great,” and his mentor Aristotle says: “The coward is a pessimistic kind of man because he fears everything. But a brave man is the exact opposite because trust means hope. ” Brave people are confident and optimistic, unlike pessimists. You closed hope with virtue, wisdom, courage, and trust in the jar.

Plato and the situation in Jordan

Plato may have imagined our reality: foolish and unrealistic hopes can lead to harmful ambitions, but they can lead to destructive behavior in the opposite way, too, through feeding laziness and indifference. To illustrate this, Plato draws a resemblance between political and medical hopes. Under-educated or adequately governed citizens tend to adopt laws that repeatedly need to be amended. Because they avoid addressing the need for more substantive political improvements, these citizens, such as those sick, live through ignorance and do not wish to abandon their harmful way of life. Their medical treatment achieves nothing, except that their illness becomes worse and more complex, and they always hope that someone will recommend some new medication for their treatment. These hopes support unsustainable behavior that may be risky in medical and political contexts. A common feature of Plato’s negative images of hope is his association with ignorance or lack of reason. Because there are passages in which Plato positively points to desperate hopes, that is unreasonable hopes in the sense that they are unlikely to be realized.

Although desperate hopes are likely to be wrong or misleading, these hopes sometimes come true between preliminary urging to “think this way too, that there is a good hope that death is a blessing” and that the afterlife is good. Perhaps he is right to be happy in the face of death and to be very optimistic that after death he will get the greatest blessings.

Desperate hopes and irrational hopes

We are accompanied by desperate hopes, as a result of the daily anxieties of life. “All men dream, but not equally,” Lawrence says in his book, The Seven Pillars of Governance. As for hopes, we all hope, but our hopes are not equal. There on the corner, at the crossroads, there is a container and a woman digging inside, and the scene is repeated daily. I don’t know what hope it is to dig out the container. She might hope to find a ring of gold, a diamond bracelet, or a pearl necklace, thrown into anger by a wealthy lady!!! It continues on the side of Jordan Street, young men, and women, each carrying a bag and walking on the outskirts of the street. They hope to find a lot of cans of soft drinks dumped on the side of the road and may have cursed civilians who don’t throw the empty cans from their car windows because the windows are tinted in black.

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